Buy With Us

We’ll help you find the perfect place to call Home

Buy Your Dream Home in 6 Easy Steps

We’re here to guide you from beginning to end!

Create Your Wishlist

Our very first step is to find out exactly what you envision for your next big purchase. Once we figure out your purchasing goals, our team will be able to guide you through the process, educating you on what’s available, what’s possible and what you’ve got to look forward to!


Get Pre-Approved

Once we’ve established your goals, obtaining a mortgage pre-approval is the next step. Together, we’ll determine your borrowing ability to know exactly which properties we should focus on. If you need help, we can recommend a local lender, and we always recommend that you obtain more than one quote. Providing a Seller with your pre-approval letter with strengthen your negotiating power when presenting an offer.


Search for Homes

With greater clarity and a clear strategy, our agents will help search out potential properties. This includes property alert notifications so you can stay up to date on new properties and price reductions of current listings. Our clients love this tactic and many of them have purchased a home as a direct result of receiving a notification and acting quickly.


Schedule Showings and View Properties

It’s time to go and see some Homes! Whenever possible, we encourage our clients to drive by their property selections prior to setting the appointment. This helps to familiarize you with the Tamp Bay communities, and we’ll make certain that we select your top choices first.


Find the One

You’ve found the perfect home, and now you’re ready to present an Offer! We’ll review every detail and make sure the entire process is conducted with transparency, professionalism, and integrity. With a clear strategy and a well-prepared offer, we’ll work our magic to help you land the home you were meant to own.


Close and Celebrate!

Congratulations, it’s Closing Day! Remember, we’re with you from beginning to end.  We’ll guide you through the closing process for a smooth and stress-free transition.  With keys in hand, you’ll be ready to take your next big step — through the front door of your perfect new home.

Ready To Make A Move?

Work With Us

Let’s get to know each other & discuss your needs (and dreams) about buying and/or selling your home.